The Magnificence of The Sun – A Deep Dive into Tarot
The tarot card The Sun, which is numbered 19 in the Major Arcana, is a beacon of optimism, carrying the promise of joy, success, and the celebration of life.
The Symbolism of The Sun
The tarot card The Sun is a potent symbol of joy and success. It is an embodiment of the radiance, harmony, and prosperity that comes from embracing your inner child. The card depicts a beaming sun, a symbol of vitality and brightness, illuminating the path ahead, suggesting clarity, optimism, and positivity. When The Sun appears in your tarot reading, it’s a message to live every moment consciously, to embrace the joy of life, and to focus on the good in every situation.
Affirmation and Oracle Meaning
Affirmations are powerful tools to reinforce the messages that tarot cards deliver. The affirmation associated with The Sun is “I give myself permission to be happy.” It’s a reminder to let go of negativity and to embrace the positivity that the tarot card The Sun brings into your life. The oracle meaning of The Sun extends this message, further emphasizing strong positivity, fulfillment, and carefreeness. It encourages you to celebrate your successes, reconnect with your inner child, and approach life with an optimistic outlook.

Tarot Card The Sun: Reversed Oracle Meaning
Just like the upright Sun, the reversed Sun carries important messages. Instead of joy and optimism, the Sun reversed symbolizes childish behavior, unhappiness, depression, coldness, negative thoughts, and blocked success. It serves as a warning that your success might be hindered due to living more in fantasies than in reality. It calls for introspection and meditation, urging you to slow down, reflect on your inner self, and clear your mind of any confusion or unclear thinking.
I give myself permission to be happy.
No assignment
The tarot card The Sun is a powerful card in the tarot deck, symbolizing joy, success, and the celebration of life when upright, and calling for introspection and self-reflection when reversed. Whether it’s urging you to embrace the joy of life, or inviting you to slow down and reflect, The Sun is a reminder of the ups and downs of life and the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective. So, the next time The Sun shines in your tarot reading, remember to allow yourself to be happy and embrace the positivity it brings into your life.
The PDF Tarot Journal: incl. 78 digital Tarot cards
“The Sun” and the other 77 cards of the Tarot deck are part of my PDF Tarot Journal for digital planners and notebooks (e.g. Goodnotes). Learn more about “The Sun” and the Tarot cards of the Major Arcana with my digital Tarot Journal.