Minor Arcana | Swords | 8 of Swords Tarot

8 of swords

The 8 of Swords: Breaking Free from Self-Imposed Limitations

The tarot card “8 of Swords” is a powerful symbol within the Minor Arcana, often associated with feelings of entrapment and self-sabotage. Representing the element of Air and linked to the zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, this card holds significant meaning when it appears in a reading.

8 of Swords: Symbolism and Characteristics

The 8 of Swords often depicts a figure bound and blindfolded, surrounded by swords. This imagery powerfully conveys a sense of confinement and restriction. The card is synonymous with self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and feeling stuck. It suggests that the barriers you face are often self-imposed, arising from your own thoughts and perceptions. The number eight in numerology is associated with action, progress, and change, indicating that despite the seeming helplessness, there is potential for movement and regeneration.

8 of Swords Meaning in Upright Position

When drawn in an upright position, the 8 of Swords represents the belief of having no choice, feeling stuck, and experiencing helplessness. It highlights the rigid structures and limiting beliefs that you impose on yourself. This card serves as a reminder that your thoughts can trap you in a prison of your own making. It calls for introspection and the courage to confront and dismantle these mental barriers. Recognizing that your thoughts are not you, as the card’s affirmation suggests, can be the first step towards liberation.

8 of Swords Reversed Meaning in Tarot

In a reversed position, the 8 of Swords takes on a more positive and liberating connotation. It signifies movement, the release of old beliefs, and the breakthrough of negative thought patterns. This position indicates a newfound openness, clarity, and strength. It suggests that the querent is on the path to freeing themselves from self-imposed limitations and gaining a fresh perspective. The reversed 8 of Swords is a beacon of hope, signaling a significant shift in perception and the beginning of a journey towards mental clarity and empowerment.

The 8 of Swords is a profound card that speaks to the human experience of feeling trapped by one’s own thoughts and beliefs. Whether drawn upright or reversed, it offers valuable insights into the nature of your mental constraints and the potential for liberation. By understanding the symbolism and meanings associated with this card, you can recognize your own patterns of self-sabotage and take steps towards breaking free, embracing a clearer and more empowered state of mind.

The OneNote Tarot Journal: incl. 78 digital Tarot Cards

The “8 of Swords” and the other 77 cards of the Tarot deck are part of my digital Tarot Journal for OneNote. Learn more about the “8 of Swords” and the Tarot cards of the Minor Arcana with my digital Tarot Journal.

preview Tarot Journal for OneNote