Minor Arcana | Swords | 6 of Swords Tarot

6 of swords

Understanding the 6 of Swords in Tarot

The 6 of Swords is a fascinating card in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck, often symbolizing a journey towards new beginnings and leaving behind past conflicts.

Symbolism and Key Elements of the Swords Tarot Cards

The Swords tarot cards are associated with the element of Air, which signifies thoughts, communication, and intellect. This element highlights the importance of a rational mind and logical thinking in overcoming challenges. The Swords cards also correspond to the zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, all of which are air signs known for their analytical and communicative nature.

Numerologically, the number six represents a turning point, hope, success, harmony, community, change, and balance. These elements together suggest that the Six of Swords is about navigating through difficult times with intelligence and a clear mind, moving towards a more harmonious and balanced future.

Tarot Reading: 6 of Swords Meaning in Upright Position

In an upright position, the 6 of Swords signifies leaving conflicts behind and embarking on a journey to new shores. It represents the act of letting go and moving on from past struggles towards new beginnings. This card often appears during times of transition, suggesting that although the journey ahead may be uncertain, it is necessary for growth and peace. The affirmation “I trust in my path” encapsulates the essence of this card, encouraging faith in the process of change and the courage to embrace new opportunities. This journey symbolizes not just physical travel but also a mental and emotional shift towards a better state of being.

Tarot Reading: 6 of Swords Reversed Meaning

When the 6 of Swords appears reversed in a reading, its meaning shifts to reflect an unwillingness to leave behind conflicts and move forward. This position indicates stormy times, restlessness, and a sense of being stuck in old patterns. It serves as a warning against stagnation and the dangers of refusing to embrace necessary changes. Despite the challenges, there is an underlying message of hope and the excitement that comes with new experiences. The reversed 6 of Swords urges you to confront your restlessness and find the strength to move past your struggles, even when it feels daunting.

The 6 of Swords is a powerful card that speaks to the journey of leaving behind conflicts and embracing new beginnings. Whether it appears upright or reversed, it offers valuable insights into the importance of change, rational thinking, and the courage to move forward. By understanding the deeper meanings of this card, you can gain a better perspective on your current life situation and the necessary steps to achieve a more peaceful and harmonious future. Trusting the path ahead, even when uncertain, is the key message that the 6 of Swords imparts.

The Notion Tarot Journal: incl. 78 digital Tarot cards

The “6 of Swords” and the other 77 cards of the Tarot deck are part of my Tarot Journal for Notion. Learn more about the “6 of Swords” and the Tarot Cards of the Minor Arcana with my Notion Tarot Journal.